JW3 is the first and only Jewish Community Centre and arts venue of its kind to exist in UK. The brainchild of Dame Vivien Duffield DBE and created by a core capital grant from the Clore Duffield Foundation, the centre opened on the Finchley Road, NW3 in October 2013.

Our Vision

A vibrant, diverse, unified Jewish community, engaged with Jewish life and actively contributing to wider society.

Our Mission

To create open and welcoming Jewish spaces that bring different people together, strengthen identities, and build community through arts, culture, education, and social action.

Our Values

These six values shape our culture, guide how we behave and inform our decision-making. They are at the heart of the way we work, driving how we act as individuals and as an organisation:

Community – קהילה

We believe community is at the heart of everything we do. We actively bring people together to build new, and strengthen existing communities, and create meaningful opportunities to connect and belong

Inclusivity – הכללה

We believe that all people are created equally, and society is stronger when everyone can participate in it. We actively create welcoming cross-communal spaces, where anyone who shares our values feels safe, respected and able to fully participate.

Creativity – יצירתיות

We believe that through creativity we can make the world that we want to see. We actively design spaces and opportunities for individuals to be creative, through arts, culture and conversations.

Lovingkindness – חסד

We believe it is our responsibility to leave the world better than we found it. We actively infuse all our work with the Jewish values of Chesed (loving kindness) and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). 

Collaboration - שיתוף פעולה

We believe in the power of partnership and know that we can achieve more and amplify our impact when we work together. We actively foster an environment of collaboration and seek out a wide range of partners, while offering our expertise to support others in their work.

Leading by Example – דוגמא אישית

We believe that real change comes through action. We actively seek to lead the conversation, stand up for what we believe, model best practice and behave in ways consistent with our values to inspire others.

To find out more about what inspires JW3's vision and mission why not watch this JDOV Talk by our CEO Raymond Simonson.