Government program Plan 75 encourages senior citizens to be euthanized to remedy an aged society. An elderly woman whose means of survival are vanishing, a pragmatic Plan 75 salesman, and a Filipino laborer face choices of life and death.

Plan 75


Chie Hayakawa’s thought-provoking drama imagines a world where a country with a low birth rate and dwindling workforce takes drastic steps to alleviate the burden of its ageing population.

An acute sociological study, Hayakawa’s film embraces its speculative fiction with little question, and instead focuses on the way society treats its ageing population. The result is not only moving, as the realisation of what this law will rob the world of sets in, but also holds a mirror up to our own world, asking what the notion of humanity means to us if the possibility of such a societal change could even be considered.


Rating: 15
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi
Director: Chie Hayakawa
Stars: Chieko Baishô, Hayato Isomura, Stefanie Arianne

Age - 15 Dates - -

£5 / £6 / £12

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