Join William for a special extended double lecture as he looks at an unstable and unpredictable world.

There was widespread hope when The Cold War ended and European Communism withered on the vine.  Such optimism has evaporated during the course of this new century. From China and Taiwan, Israel and Hamas Terrorism, to Russia and Ukraine, the world seems much less stable; add in the lessening of confidence in the UN, threats to NATO, the possibility of a second Trump Presidency, the unpredictability of Iran and North Korea amount to a virtual tsunami of crises.

William Tyler MBE is a superb communicator. He is a freelance educator, lecturer, public speaker, writer and consultant with a main focus on History. He was the Principal of The City Lit, Britain’s largest college of adult education. William is a Freeman of the City of London. In 2009 he was awarded his MBE for services to education.

Please note

This event will take place in the building and online. Please choose either option when booking. A link to watch will be included in the booking confirmation email.

A booking fee of £2 will be added to all orders.

Date - Thu 11 July 2024 11:30am


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