The extraordinary adventure of the young members of the Piedmont Speleological Group who, having already explored all the caves of Northern Italy, changed course in August 1961 and went South to explore other caves unknown to man.

Il Buco


During the economic boom of the 1960s, Europe’s highest building is being built in Italy’s prosperous North. At the other end of the country, young speleologists explore Europe’s deepest cave in the untouched Calabrian hinterland. The bottom of the Bifurto Abyss, 700 meters below Earth, is reached for the first time. The intruders’ venture goes unnoticed by the inhabitants of a small neighbouring village, but not by the old shepherd of the Pollino plateau whose solitary life begins to interweave with the group’s journey. IL BUCO chronicles a visit through unknown depths of life and nature and parallels two great voyages to the interior.


Rating: U
Genre: Drama
Director: Michelangelo Frammartino
Stars: Claudia Candusso, Paolo Cossi, Mila Costi

Please note

This screening is exclusively for parents or carers with a baby under one.

Date - Mon 20 June 2022 10:30am

£5 per adult

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