Enjoy a good ol’ Talmudic debate? Love Jewish culture, texts and ideas?  Feeling in the mood to learn something new?  Head on down to JW3 for Azara’s Open Talmud Day!  

Azara’s Open Talmud Day is an exciting day of learning for anyone interested in exploring traditional Jewish texts in an inclusive setting. Azara’s exceptional teachers, including Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz and Rabbis Leah Jordan, Sybil Sheridan and Daniel Lichman, will guide you through text-study that is immersive, accessible and in-depth, with a focus on skill-building, meaning-making and studying in chevrutas (with a partner). We welcome participants from all denominations, backgrounds and genders, and of all levels of learning - from total beginners through experienced Talmud students.

Azara Itinerary


Wrestling with Torah: Difficult Texts

10:30am Talmud Intensive

Rabbis Daniel Lichman (beginners) & Leah Jordan (more experienced learners)

Gender and life partnership in Jewish betrothal law - what does the Talmud say about these concepts?

Our Talmud Intensive tracks will be learning a fundamental passage from the beginning of Tractate Kiddushin. This Tractate begins by listing the ways that a woman can be acquired by a man. Not only is this a text that angers many of us, but it is text that continues to have a direct impact on our Jewish intimate relationships today. It’s all about gender and life partnership and Torah, and as you can imagine some of that can get pretty gnarly! Come join us!

1pm Lunch Break

Kosher lunch with vegan and gluten free options


2pm Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor Guthartz

Take a Sad Text and Make It Better: Exploring Pirkei Avot on Trees and Torah

The third chapter of the mishnaic tractate Pirkei Avot contains an odd and rather disturbing comment on Torah study and nature appreciation. We'll explore this text using traditional commentaries and some English poems in order to see whether we can 'rescue' it from some of the more difficult ideas about what it means.

2pm Hannah Thorne

Field Notes: The Making of Esau

Often, our texts make it seem as though Esau’s loss of the birthright and estrangement from Jacob were necessary for the existence of the Jewish people. Is this really true? How else might their story have turned out? Did Esau have any choice in the person he became? We’ll look at some sources which address these questions, and what we might learn from Esau.

3:15pm Afternoon Break

(Optional Mincha)

3:45pm Rabbi Sybil Sheridan

Who is the Cushi?

In Numbers chapter 12 Miriam objects to Moses’ wife. Her actions lead to the punishment of leprosy and Moses has to intervene with God on her behalf. But what exactly was the problem? According to some traditional interpretations, Miriam had a point. Did the punishment fit the crime? And who was this woman anyway?

Focusing mainly on Numbers 12:1, with the aid of other texts from Torah, classical midrash and later commentaries, we will try and unravel the mystery.

3:45pm Maya B

The Workings of a Kal V’Chomer

A Kal V’Chomer is one of the logical mechanisms used by the rabbis of the Mishna and Talmud to derive halachot. In this session we will look at a piece of Talmud that discusses one of the key rules for how this mechanism works. As a proof text, the Talmud brings verses from the story of Miriam in Numbers 12, where the Bible seems to employ this same mechanism.

5pm Closing Reflections

In this session, we will wrap up the day and give participants the opportunity to feedback to the Azara team.

Azara Open Talmud Day FAQs

What does the Azara Open Talmud Day at JW3 look like?

The day will include a Talmud intensive where you will learn a piece of Talmud guided by one of our teachers. This session will have a couple of different tracks at different levels of learning and will include some learning with a chavruta (study partner). Azara’s volunteers and teachers will be on hand to guide you as needed. In the afternoon there will be several different sessions on offer covering a range of topics and looking at a variety of sources.

I want to come but the cost is a barrier

Financial assistance is available and no-one will be turned away due to lack of funds. If cost is an issue please email info@azara.org.uk to discuss. 

Who will be teaching at Open Talmud Day?

Azara’s founders Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz and Rabbis Leah Jordan will be teaching alongside an exciting group of educators: Rabbi Daniel Lichman, Rabbi Sybil Sheridan, Maya B, and Hannah Thorne.

I'm a complete beginner. Can I join?

Yes! We'll have lots of lovely Azara volunteers and teachers on hand to guide you through. Don’t know the Hebrew alphabet? Not a problem. We'll get you started in learning the Hebrew alphabet, navigating the dictionary and diving into Talmud or Jewish text. 

Will there be food?

A kosher-certified lunch will be provided and there will be snacks to nosh on throughout the day. 

About Azara

Azara is creating a culture of Jewish learning in the UK. We want to open the complex world of Torah to everyone, and build the skills to unlock our texts and traditions. Azara was founded by Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz, Rabbi Leah Jordan, and Student Rabbi Jessica Spencer, and was born from two grassroots cross-communal learning projects, Pop-Up Beit Midrash and Open Talmud Project.  

‘Azara’ is the Hebrew word for courtyard. The Temple had an azara in which all the Jews could gather, regardless of gender or priestly status. We aim to be a space where Jews of all denominations, backgrounds, and genders can gather to learn and to make religious meaning. 

Please note

This event will take place in the building only.

Age - 16+ Date - Sun 31 July 2022 10:30am

£25 standard, £15 students

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