This Shabbat, we remember all those taken hostage with a new installation, The Empty Shabbat Table.

Open Friday 27 October from 11am & Sunday 29 October from 10am

Inspired by the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, we will be creating a Shabbat table in the JW3 Piazza, with places laid for the 220 hostages, to raise awareness of this current humanitarian crisis.
A Friday Night Dinner is an experience shared by many Jews around the world, and an event that we at JW3 host most months. However, this Friday Night the people that we want to attend will be unable to participate. You are invited to come to JW3, read the names of those who can't be with us, and remember them at this crucial time. Please also take and share photos to spread the message as far as possible to amplify our call for the release of the hostages. 
All those visiting JW3 are also encouraged to take Shabbat candles and a name place of a hostage, laying an extra space at their own Shabbat table for a hostage.
To spread the message far and wide, we encourage you to share photos of your empty space using #ReleaseTheHostages & #BringThemHome on social media.